As a Means to Cope

As a Means to Cope



In this deeply personal exhibition, Cassie Harper, an emerging artist from Melbourne/Naarm, explores the importance of communication, how we communicate and how we process and digest information that is emotionally taxing and difficult. 

This recent body of drawings and embroideries is a record of Cassie’s use of drawing as a therapeutic tool and remedy to rumination.  

As an artist with Schizoaffective disorder, substance abuse and post-traumatic stress disorders, Cassie’s practice focuses on mental health, advocacy and rehabilitation.   

She utilises mediums such as drawing and embroidery to convey recurring ideas and emotions. 

Image credit: Cassie Harper, exhibition installation embroideries and drawings 


Hallway Gallery
02 60229330 or
Exhibition Times

Friday, October 6 to Tuesday, December 5 

Weekdays: 10am to 6pm

Weekends: 10am to 3pm

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